Top 10 Summer Driving Destinations for Couples

MAY 29, 2024

There are so many great places to go in the U.S. and Canada! These are our favorites for couples.


San Francisco -

“On my way from Hong Kong to New York, I stopped in San Francisco for a day. I walked from the Geary St art galleries up Grant Ave to Waverly Place, just as temple services were starting. The fog was scented with incense and roast duck. In the basement of the City Lights Bookstore near the Muckraking section, I noticed a sign painted by a 1920s cult: 'I am the door.' It's true. San Francisco is the threshold between East and West, body and soul, fact and fiction. That was 20 years ago. I'm still here. You have been warned.” - Alison Bing - Writer

Chicago -

 "I have a place in Chicago and I get there as much as I can. The city is so unbelievably beautiful. It’s one of the greatest cities on the planet. My heart beats differently when I’m in Chicago. It slows down and I feel more at ease." - Jeremy Piven - Actor

New York -

"When its 100 degrees in New York, it's 72 in Los Angeles. When its 30 degrees in New York, in Los Angeles it's still 72. However, there are 6 million interesting people in New York, and only 72 in Los Angeles." - Neil Simon - Screenwriter

Asheville -

“The arts are part of everyday life here. In addition, fantastic mountains, streams, lakes - fine fishing, hiking, biking, boating, golfing, birding, professional baseball, college sports.” – Barry - Asheville Resident

Newport - 

“I can’t say enough about Newport. It’s such a homey, safe and comfortable place. And there are so many Irish. If I couldn’t live in Newport, I think I’d just move back home. I don’t think I’d want to find another place (in the United States) – Beth Keating

San Diego - 

It's good to have a lot of once-in-a-lifetimes in your lifetime. If you get the chance to skydive, go skydiving. If you're offered a part in a weird Shakespeare play in San Diego, slap on some tights and rock out some iambic pentameter.” – Neil Patrick Harris - Actor

Charleston -

“I don't think you ever think of a big city as sweet or community, but there are cities that I think of as charming and particular and interesting cities. I live in one now, Charleston.” – Anne River Siddons - Novelist

Washington, DC -

“It begins with the Mall. How sweet is it to have a walkable strip of museums where you can see nuclear missiles, cursed diamonds and exquisite Asian ceramics in cool underground galleries – for free? Further down the path the notes and photos people leave at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial will break your heart, and the Lincoln Memorial just kills with its grandness and sweeping view. Shaw wins my affection for its neighbor-hoody beer halls and cafes.” – Karla Zimmerman - Writer

Grand Canyon - 

“Beautiful doesn't begin to describe it. A flower is beautiful. But this is beautiful the way that a person is beautiful- terrifying with its jagged edges, yet seductive with its crevices that hide so many secrets.” – Jeri Smith-Ready - Author

Yellowstone -

“Yellowstone, of all the national parks, is the wildest and most universal in its appeal... Daily new, always strange, ever full of change, it is Nature's wonder park. It is the most human and the most popular of all parks.” – Susan Rough – Family Vacation


Canada’s* Top 5

Canada, our vibrant young neighbor to the north, is full of great places to see, east or west. *A passport is required but easily obtained if you don’t have one (see the link below).

Niagara on the Lake - 

Beautiful Niagara-on-the-Lake, hosts one of the best theatre festivals in the world! “Inspired by the work of Bernard Shaw the Festival produces plays from and about his era and contemporary plays that share Shaw’s provocative exploration of society and celebration of humanity.” – Shaw Festival

Stratford -

Stratford is synonymous with Shakespeare and the stage. Each year, the town's Theatre Festival attracts more than half a million visitors to live performances of Shakespeare and other classic playwrights. It is the largest classical repertory event in North America.

Vancouver -

Vancouver offers travellers outstanding outdoor adventures and all the amenities of a world-class city.

"I love just how beautiful Vancouver is. I mean, everywhere you look it's just mountains and ocean." – Emma Bell – Actress

Toronto -

Toronto is perhaps the most culturally diverse city in the world. It is estimated that over half of Torontonian’s were born outside of Canada. Toronto is a city full of activity and with world-class restaurants, bars, clubs and festivals.

“When I think of myself, I think of Toronto. My music would never sound the way it does if it weren't for Toronto.” – Drake - Musician

Montreal –

The capital of French-speaking Canada, Montreal boasts an enviable assortment of history, mouthwatering cuisine, and continuous cultural happenings.

“I cannot go to Montreal without going to Beauty's, my favorite place for breakfast, where I have the Mish-Mash omelet with hot dogs, salami, eggs, green peppers, and onions, and the best banana bread in the world. It's legendary!” – Gail Simmons – Food Author

*Get yours U.S. Passport easily at:

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